March 03, 2021
Growing with ONLOGIST: How the mobility service provider Perfecttrans24 got into the fast lane

Growing quickly and profitably
The small company Perfecttrans24 from Steinheim an der Murr has achieved this goal. The start-up went live with eight drivers in March 2018. In the meantime, the service provider specialising in car transfers employs around 35 drivers. "This was only possible with a great team and a strong partner," emphasises operations manager Semih Eys.
In this case, the strong partner was the Hamburg-based mobility company ONLOGIST, which has developed a digital market platform for arranging car transfers. More than 400,000 orders are now brokered via ONLOGIST every year.

"Thanks to ONLOGIST, we have managed to generate many orders from a standing start"
Other services, such as the complete, largely automated order processing including customer communication via the ONLOGIST platform, have also convinced Eys: "Thanks to these functions, we can fully concentrate on our core business, vehicle transfers from A to B. That is a noticeable relief, for which we are then also happy to pay a commission."
As a young company, Perfecttrans24 has benefited not least from the quick invoice processing at the push of a button and the possibility of pre-financing: "We can use it excellently to relieve our back office and control our liquidity, which is extremely important, especially in the start-up phase."

Perfecttrans24 is now well established in the market
Its regular clients include well-known car rental companies that value their reliable car transportation service. "After our stormy start-up period, we want to continue to grow, but not quite at the same pace as before," says owner Seydi Özpek, explaining the company's philosophy, "while focusing on quality and continuing to rely on ONLOGIST."